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How to Perform Ping Test with Python

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) Echo requests, mostly known as pings, are used to verify the connectivity of devices to a network and their responsiveness to it.

In today’s article, we’re going to perform a ping test using Python that checks the connectivity of our network and measures the response time if there is one.

Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Necessary Libraries

To make this code run as intended, it’s necessary to install the Scapy and Colorama libraries via your terminal or command prompt:

$ pip install scapy 
$ pip install colorama


We start by importing sys module, which we will use to handle information passed to the code. In other words, it informs the code what command-line has been provided.

import sys

Then we import sr1, IP, ICMP from scapy, which will be used for making packets and analyzing network protocols.

from scapy.all import sr1, IP, ICMP

The third import gonna be Fore and init from colorama, which we will use to make colored and styled text.

from colorama import Fore, init

Our fourth import is the random module to generate random numbers.

import random

Lastly, we import time which we will use to calculate the response time.

import time

Initializing Colorama

Next, we initialize this library by the init() function to distinguish visually between different printed messages when we run the code.

# Initialize colorama for colored console output

Defining craft_and_send_packet Function

After that, We start defining our functions, we begin with this function that crafts and sends an ICMP echo request packet to an IP address that the user will specify, it has a retry count of 3 times if there’s no response, and it waits for a response for a timeout of 5 seconds.

# Function to craft and send an ICMP Echo Request packet with retries
def craft_and_send_packet(dst_ip, retry_count=3, timeout=5):
   for i in range(retry_count):
       print(f"{Fore.BLUE}[DEBUG] Sending ICMP Echo Request to: {dst_ip}")
       start_time = time.time()
       response = sr1(IP(dst=dst_ip) / ICMP(), timeout=timeout, verbose=False)
       end_time = time.time()
       if response:
           print(f"{Fore.BLUE}[DEBUG] Received response from {response.src}: {response.summary()}")
           return response, end_time - start_time
           print(f"{Fore.RED}[DEBUG] No response received, retrying ({i + 1}/{retry_count})...")
           time.sleep(1)  # Wait for a short time before retrying
   return None, timeout

Defining analyze_response Function

Then, we define the analyze_response function, which prints relevant information retrieved from analyzing the response received from the destination IP address. This includes the source IP address, whether there’s a response or not, and the response time.

# Function to analyze the response
def analyze_response(response, response_time):
   if response:
       print(f"{Fore.GREEN}[+] Response received from {response.src}: {response.summary()}")
       print(f"    Response time: {response_time:.5f} seconds")
       # Additional analysis can be added here
       print(f"{Fore.RED}[-] No response received")

Display error Function

# Function to display an error message
def display_error(message):
   print(f"{Fore.RED}[-] Error: {message}")

Following that, we create this one to handle occasions when an error occurs during the execution of the code.

Main Function

Now, we define the main function that begins by verifying if the user has correctly entered both “the name of the script” and “the destination IP address” in the command prompt. If one of them is missing, it will trigger the display_error() function then an error message will pop up.

Once the user provides the correct inputs, the function retrieves the destination IP address, which is the second input. It then displays a message in yellow, indicating that ‘ICMP Echo Requests are being sent to the destination IP address‘. Following this, the response time is returned to the analyze_response() function to print the relevant information.

# Main function
def main():
   if len(sys.argv) != 2:
       display_error("Invalid number of arguments. Please run as: python script.py <destination_ip>")

   destination_ip = sys.argv[1]

   print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[+] Sending ICMP Echo Requests to: {destination_ip}\n")

   response, response_time = craft_and_send_packet(destination_ip)
   analyze_response(response, response_time)

Main Block

Lastly, this block ensures that the code will work only if it is run directly, and in the case it is imported as a module it will not work.

if __name__ == "__main__":


  • First, run your command prompt.
  • Second, use the cd command to navigate to the directory path where you saved this Python code: cd path\to\directory.
  • Third, use pip install command to install the required libraries, pip3 install for Linux and macOS.
  • Fourth and last, type python followed by the name of your script followed by the destination IP, in my case the code is named main.py so : 

python main.py destination-IP

Full Code

import sys
from scapy.all import sr1, IP, ICMP
from colorama import Fore, init
import random
import time

# Initialize colorama for colored console output

# Function to craft and send an ICMP Echo Request packet with retries
def craft_and_send_packet(dst_ip, retry_count=3, timeout=5):
   for i in range(retry_count):
       print(f"{Fore.BLUE}[DEBUG] Sending ICMP Echo Request to: {dst_ip}")
       start_time = time.time()
       response = sr1(IP(dst=dst_ip) / ICMP(), timeout=timeout, verbose=False)
       end_time = time.time()
       if response:
           print(f"{Fore.BLUE}[DEBUG] Received response from {response.src}: {response.summary()}")
           return response, end_time - start_time
           print(f"{Fore.RED}[DEBUG] No response received, retrying ({i + 1}/{retry_count})...")
           time.sleep(1)  # Wait for a short time before retrying
   return None, timeout

# Function to analyze the response
def analyze_response(response, response_time):
   if response:
       print(f"{Fore.GREEN}[+] Response received from {response.src}: {response.summary()}")
       print(f"    Response time: {response_time:.5f} seconds")
       # Additional analysis can be added here
       print(f"{Fore.RED}[-] No response received")

# Function to display an error message
def display_error(message):
   print(f"{Fore.RED}[-] Error: {message}")

# Main function
def main():
   if len(sys.argv) != 2:
       display_error("Invalid number of arguments. Please run as: python script.py <destination_ip>")

   destination_ip = sys.argv[1]

   print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}[+] Sending ICMP Echo Requests to: {destination_ip}\n")

   response, response_time = craft_and_send_packet(destination_ip)
   analyze_response(response, response_time)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Happy Coding!

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