Home » Tutorials » How to Create a Steganography Application Using Python and Tkinter

How to Create a Steganography Application Using Python and Tkinter

In today’s article, we’re going to explore the fascinating art of steganography, concealing messages within images using Python and Tkinter. This Steganography tool features a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows users to easily select an image and encode a secret message within it, which can later be decoded. Whether you’re interested in data security, cryptography, or simply exploring new applications of Python, this tutorial will guide you step-by-step in creating a steganography application.

Today, you’ll learn how to build a user-friendly GUI for image-based message encoding and decoding, leveraging the power of Python and the simplicity of Tkinter. Let’s get started on this exciting journey into the world of steganography!

Table of Contents


Please note: This tutorial on creating a steganography application using Python and Tkinter is for educational purposes only. Use this tool responsibly and ethically. We do not support or condone any illegal activities. Make sure you comply with applicable laws and respect others.

Necessary Libraries

For the code to function properly. Install these libraries by running the following commands:

$ pip install tk
$ pip install pillow
$ pip install numpy


import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog, messagebox, scrolledtext, ttk
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import threading

Before diving into today’s adventure, let’s gather the tools we need:

  • Tkinter: We’ll use Tkinter to create a graphical user interface. It allows the user to open or save files with filedialog, provides pop-up messages with messagebox, adds scrollbars to text widgets using scrolledtext, and offers themed widgets with ttk.
  • PIL (Python Imaging Library): The Image module from PIL helps us open and manipulate images.
  • NumPy: This library handles image data as arrays, making image processing efficient and fast.
  • Threading: We use threading to enable multitasking, ensuring that the main window remains responsive and doesn’t freeze during operations.

Utility Functions for Steganography

Since our goal is to make our images carry encrypted messages, we need a constant to mark the end of these messages. This is achieved using a delimiter, which is a unique binary string that signifies the end of the encoded message. When our script encounters this binary string, it knows that the message has ended.

# Constants
DELIMITER = '1111111111111110'  # Unique delimiter to mark the end of the message

To achieve this, we use the message_to_binary() function, which converts a message into a binary string and appends the delimiter. This conversion allows the message to be encoded into the image’s pixel data.

# Function to convert message to binary
def message_to_binary(message):
   return ''.join(format(ord(char), '08b') for char in message) + DELIMITER

Naturally, we also need to decode the message back into a human-readable format. This is the purpose of the binary_to_message() function, which splits the binary string into 8-bit chunks, each representing a character. It then transforms these chunks into characters and combines them into a message.

# Function to convert binary to message
def binary_to_message(binary_data):
   bytes_data = [binary_data[i:i + 8] for i in range(0, len(binary_data), 8)]
   return ''.join(chr(int(byte, 2)) for byte in bytes_data)

Before encoding, we must ensure that the image can store the entire binary message. The is_image_sufficient() helper function checks if the image has enough capacity by comparing the total available bits to the message bits.

# Function to check if the image size is sufficient
def is_image_sufficient(image_size, message_length):
   return message_length <= image_size[0] * image_size[1] * 3

Finally, since we aim to create a user-friendly program, we want the user to follow the progress of the encoding and decoding processes. The update_progress() function updates the progress bar during these operations, providing a visual indication of progress.

# Function to update progress
def update_progress(progress_bar, value):
   progress_bar['value'] = value

Encoding the Message

We’ve finally reached the exciting part of this journey: encoding the message into the image! This is where the magic happens, and it’s all thanks to our trusty encode_message() function. Let’s break down how it works:

  • Open the Image: First, the function opens the image you’ve selected in its vibrant RGB format. This is essential because we need to manipulate the image’s pixels to hide the message inside.
image = Image.open(image_path).convert("RGB")
  • Convert Message to Binary: Next, we use the message_to_binary() function to transform your secret message into a binary string. This step is crucial because we’re going to embed this binary data right into the image’s pixels.
binary_message = message_to_binary(message)
  • Image as a NumPy Array: Now comes the power of NumPy! We convert the image into a NumPy array, turning each pixel into a number that we can easily work with. This makes the whole process of pixel manipulation a breeze.
image_array = np.array(image)
  • Check if the Image Can Hold the Message: Before we dive into encoding, we need to make sure the image has enough space to hide the message. The is_image_sufficient() function checks if there are enough bits available in the image to accommodate your message.
if not is_image_sufficient(image_array.shape, len(binary_message)):
    messagebox.showwarning("Error", "The selected image is too small to hold the message.")
  • Flatten the Image Data: To start encoding, we flatten the image data into a 1D array. This makes it easy to loop through each pixel and modify it as needed.
flat_image_array = image_array.flatten()
  • The Encoding Loop: Here’s where the real magic happens! We loop through the binary message, adjusting the pixel data to store each bit. While doing this, we also keep the user updated with the progress bar using the update_progress() function.
for index, bit in enumerate(binary_message):
    flat_image_array[index] = (flat_image_array[index] & ~1) | int(bit)
    update_progress(progress_bar, index * 100 / len(binary_message))
  • Save the Encoded Image: Once the message is safely tucked away in the image, we save it to the location you specified using encoded_image.save(). Voila! Your secret message is now hidden in plain sight.
encoded_image_array = flat_image_array.reshape(image_array.shape)
encoded_image = Image.fromarray(encoded_image_array.astype('uint8'))
  • Celebrate Success: If everything goes smoothly, a friendly message box will pop up to let you know the encoding was a success.
  • Handle Errors Gracefully: Of course, things don’t always go as planned. If there’s any hiccup during the encoding process, an error message will appear, and the progress bar will reset, giving you a chance to try again.
messagebox.showinfo("Success", f"Message encoded successfully and saved as {save_path}")
except Exception as e:
    messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Failed to encode message: {str(e)}")
    progress_bar['value'] = 0

And there you have it! Your message is now cleverly concealed within an image, ready to be shared with those in the know.

def encode_message(image_path, message, save_path, progress_bar):
       # Load and convert image
       image = Image.open(image_path).convert("RGB")
       binary_message = message_to_binary(message)

       # Convert image to numpy array
       image_array = np.array(image)

       # Check if the image can hold the message
       if not is_image_sufficient(image_array.shape, len(binary_message)):
           messagebox.showwarning("Error", "The selected image is too small to hold the message.")

       # Flatten the image array for easier manipulation
       flat_image_array = image_array.flatten()

       # Encode the message into the image
       for index, bit in enumerate(binary_message):
           flat_image_array[index] = (flat_image_array[index] & ~1) | int(bit)

           # Update progress
           update_progress(progress_bar, index * 100 / len(binary_message))

       # Reshape the flat array back to the original image shape
       encoded_image_array = flat_image_array.reshape(image_array.shape)

       # Convert numpy array back to image
       encoded_image = Image.fromarray(encoded_image_array.astype('uint8'))

       # Save the encoded image
       messagebox.showinfo("Success", f"Message encoded successfully and saved as {save_path}")

   except Exception as e:
       messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Failed to encode message: {str(e)}")
       progress_bar['value'] = 0

Decoding the Message

What’s the point of a coded message if you can’t decode it and read it? That’s where our decode_message() function comes in. Here’s how it works:

First, the function starts by opening the encoded image in RGB format, ready to reveal the hidden message.

# Load and convert image
image = Image.open(image_path).convert("RGB")

The image is then converted into a NumPy array, allowing us to manipulate the pixel data.

# Convert image to numpy array
image_array = np.array(image)

We flatten this array into a 1D array, making it easy to work with each pixel individually.

# Flatten the image array
flat_image_array = image_array.flatten()

The decoding process is like piecing together a puzzle. We go through each pixel, extracting the least significant bit to reconstruct the binary message.

binary_message = ""

# Extract the binary message from image pixels
for index, value in enumerate(flat_image_array):
    binary_message += str(value & 1)

As this unfolds, we update the progress bar with the update_progress() function, letting the user know how things are progressing.

# Update progress
update_progress(progress_bar, index * 100 / len(flat_image_array))

This continues until we hit the delimiter, which signals that the message has ended. We then transform the binary data back into readable text by removing the delimiter and converting the binary strings into characters.

# Check if the delimiter is found
if binary_message[-16:] == DELIMITER:
    binary_message = binary_message[:-16]
    message = binary_to_message(binary_message)
    messagebox.showinfo("Decoded Message", f"Message: {message}")

If there’s a message hidden in the image, it will be decoded and presented to the user. But if no message is found, a notification will pop up to inform the user.

messagebox.showinfo("Result", "No hidden message found!")

And if something goes wrong during the process, an error message will appear, giving the user a heads-up that something didn’t quite work out.

except Exception as e:
    messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Failed to decode message: {str(e)}")

Finally, the progress bar is reset to 0 to indicate the process is complete.

    progress_bar['value'] = 0

This function ensures that your encoded messages can be reliably retrieved and read, making it an essential part of the steganography tool.

def decode_message(image_path, progress_bar):
       # Load and convert image
       image = Image.open(image_path).convert("RGB")

       # Convert image to numpy array
       image_array = np.array(image)

       # Flatten the image array
       flat_image_array = image_array.flatten()

       binary_message = ""

       # Extract the binary message from image pixels
       for index, value in enumerate(flat_image_array):
           binary_message += str(value & 1)

           # Update progress
           update_progress(progress_bar, index * 100 / len(flat_image_array))

           # Check if the delimiter is found
           if binary_message[-16:] == DELIMITER:
               binary_message = binary_message[:-16]
               message = binary_to_message(binary_message)
               messagebox.showinfo("Decoded Message", f"Message: {message}")

       messagebox.showinfo("Result", "No hidden message found!")

   except Exception as e:
       messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Failed to decode message: {str(e)}")
       progress_bar['value'] = 0

GUI Functions for Image Encoding and Decoding

Select Image Function

Before encoding or decoding an image, you need to select it first. This is the goal of the select_image() function. It opens a file dialog to let the user choose an image, checks if the image is valid, and if it is, it clears any existing content in the entry widget using image_entry.delete(), then inserts the path of the selected image using image_entry.insert().

def select_image():
   image_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[("PNG Images", "*.png"), ("JPEG Images", "*.jpg"), ("All Files", "*.*")])
   if image_path:
       image_entry.delete(0, tk.END)
       image_entry.insert(0, image_path)

Save Encoded Image Function

Once the image is encoded, we need to choose where to save it. That’s why we created the save_encoded_image() function. It opens a file dialog to allow the user to select the save location for the encoded image and automatically adds the “.png” extension to the image name, saving it in the chosen path.

def save_encoded_image():
   return filedialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".png", filetypes=[("PNG Images", "*.png")])

Encode Function

The encode() function manages the entire encoding process. It starts by retrieving the image selected by the user using image_entry.get(). Next, it extracts the message from the message entry widget using message_entry.get(), removing any whitespace with strip(). If there’s no input message, it prompts the user to enter one.

The user is then allowed to select where to save the encoded image. With everything in place, the function starts a new thread and calls the encode_message() function within it, thus initiating the encoding process.

def encode():
   image_path = image_entry.get()
   message = message_entry.get("1.0", tk.END).strip()

   if not image_path:
       messagebox.showwarning("Input Error", "Please select an image.")

   if not message:
       messagebox.showwarning("Input Error", "Please enter a message to encode.")

   save_path = save_encoded_image()
   if not save_path:
       messagebox.showwarning("Input Error", "Please select a location to save the encoded image.")

   threading.Thread(target=encode_message, args=(image_path, message, save_path, progress_bar)).start()

Decode Function

As the previous function manages the encoding process, the decode() function handles the decoding process. It retrieves the path of the encoded image and displays it on the entry widget. If there is no path, a warning message will prompt the user to choose an encoded image. Once the path is set, the function starts a new thread and calls the decode_message() function to begin the decoding process.

def decode():
   image_path = image_entry.get()

   if not image_path:
       messagebox.showwarning("Input Error", "Please select an image.")

   threading.Thread(target=decode_message, args=(image_path, progress_bar)).start()

Main Window and Event Loop Setup

We’re finally bringing everything together with our Tkinter GUI setup! This is where the magic happens as we create the main window for our Steganography Tool.

root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Steganography Tool - The Pycodes")

We start by creating the main window using Tkinter. We give it a title, “Steganography Tool – The Pycodes” and set its size to 600×600. This gives our application a sleek and professional look.

GUI Components

Image Selection:

Next, we make it super easy for users to select an image. We add a label that prompts them to choose an image, followed by an entry widget that shows the selected image’s path. To make the process smooth, there’s a handy “Browse” button that triggers the select_image() function.

# GUI components
tk.Label(root, text="Select Image:").pack(pady=5)
image_entry = tk.Entry(root, width=60)
tk.Button(root, text="Browse", command=select_image).pack(pady=5)

Message Input:

Now, let’s talk about the message you want to hide. We’ve added a label and a scrollable text widget where users can type their secret messages. It’s a neat little space where you can enter as much text as you need.

tk.Label(root, text="Message to Encode:").pack(pady=5)
message_entry = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(root, width=70, height=10)

You’ve got plenty of room to spill your secrets here!

Progress Bar:

To keep things transparent and user-friendly, we’ve included a progress bar. This visual cue keeps users informed about how the encoding and decoding processes are going. Watching that bar fill up is oddly satisfying!

progress_bar = ttk.Progressbar(root, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, length=400, mode='determinate')

Action Buttons:

Here’s where the real action begins! We’ve got two buttons: “Encode Message” and “Decode Message” These buttons do exactly what their names suggest. Hit “Encode Message” to hide your message, and “Decode Message” to reveal it. These buttons call the encode() and decode() functions, respectively.

tk.Button(root, text="Encode Message", command=encode).pack(pady=10)
tk.Button(root, text="Decode Message", command=decode).pack(pady=5)

Main Event Loop

Finally, we launch the main event loop with mainloop(). This keeps our application running smoothly, ensuring that the window stays open and responsive to user interactions.


And there you have it! Your GUI is up and running, ready to handle all your steganography needs. With everything in place, you can easily select images, input messages, and start encoding or decoding with just a few clicks. It’s user-friendly, intuitive, and just plain fun to use!


Full Code

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog, messagebox, scrolledtext, ttk
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import threading

# Constants
DELIMITER = '1111111111111110'  # Unique delimiter to mark the end of the message

# Function to convert message to binary
def message_to_binary(message):
   return ''.join(format(ord(char), '08b') for char in message) + DELIMITER

# Function to convert binary to message
def binary_to_message(binary_data):
   bytes_data = [binary_data[i:i + 8] for i in range(0, len(binary_data), 8)]
   return ''.join(chr(int(byte, 2)) for byte in bytes_data)

# Function to check if the image size is sufficient
def is_image_sufficient(image_size, message_length):
   return message_length <= image_size[0] * image_size[1] * 3

# Function to update progress
def update_progress(progress_bar, value):
   progress_bar['value'] = value

# Function to encode a message into an image using numpy for faster processing
def encode_message(image_path, message, save_path, progress_bar):
       # Load and convert image
       image = Image.open(image_path).convert("RGB")
       binary_message = message_to_binary(message)

       # Convert image to numpy array
       image_array = np.array(image)

       # Check if the image can hold the message
       if not is_image_sufficient(image_array.shape, len(binary_message)):
           messagebox.showwarning("Error", "The selected image is too small to hold the message.")

       # Flatten the image array for easier manipulation
       flat_image_array = image_array.flatten()

       # Encode the message into the image
       for index, bit in enumerate(binary_message):
           flat_image_array[index] = (flat_image_array[index] & ~1) | int(bit)

           # Update progress
           update_progress(progress_bar, index * 100 / len(binary_message))

       # Reshape the flat array back to the original image shape
       encoded_image_array = flat_image_array.reshape(image_array.shape)

       # Convert numpy array back to image
       encoded_image = Image.fromarray(encoded_image_array.astype('uint8'))

       # Save the encoded image
       messagebox.showinfo("Success", f"Message encoded successfully and saved as {save_path}")

   except Exception as e:
       messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Failed to encode message: {str(e)}")
       progress_bar['value'] = 0

# Function to decode a message from an image using numpy for faster processing
def decode_message(image_path, progress_bar):
       # Load and convert image
       image = Image.open(image_path).convert("RGB")

       # Convert image to numpy array
       image_array = np.array(image)

       # Flatten the image array
       flat_image_array = image_array.flatten()

       binary_message = ""

       # Extract the binary message from image pixels
       for index, value in enumerate(flat_image_array):
           binary_message += str(value & 1)

           # Update progress
           update_progress(progress_bar, index * 100 / len(flat_image_array))

           # Check if the delimiter is found
           if binary_message[-16:] == DELIMITER:
               binary_message = binary_message[:-16]
               message = binary_to_message(binary_message)
               messagebox.showinfo("Decoded Message", f"Message: {message}")

       messagebox.showinfo("Result", "No hidden message found!")

   except Exception as e:
       messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Failed to decode message: {str(e)}")
       progress_bar['value'] = 0

# GUI functions
def select_image():
   image_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[("PNG Images", "*.png"), ("JPEG Images", "*.jpg"), ("All Files", "*.*")])
   if image_path:
       image_entry.delete(0, tk.END)
       image_entry.insert(0, image_path)

def save_encoded_image():
   return filedialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".png", filetypes=[("PNG Images", "*.png")])

def encode():
   image_path = image_entry.get()
   message = message_entry.get("1.0", tk.END).strip()

   if not image_path:
       messagebox.showwarning("Input Error", "Please select an image.")

   if not message:
       messagebox.showwarning("Input Error", "Please enter a message to encode.")

   save_path = save_encoded_image()
   if not save_path:
       messagebox.showwarning("Input Error", "Please select a location to save the encoded image.")

   threading.Thread(target=encode_message, args=(image_path, message, save_path, progress_bar)).start()

def decode():
   image_path = image_entry.get()

   if not image_path:
       messagebox.showwarning("Input Error", "Please select an image.")

   threading.Thread(target=decode_message, args=(image_path, progress_bar)).start()

# Tkinter GUI setup
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Steganography Tool - The Pycodes")

# GUI components
tk.Label(root, text="Select Image:").pack(pady=5)
image_entry = tk.Entry(root, width=60)
tk.Button(root, text="Browse", command=select_image).pack(pady=5)

tk.Label(root, text="Message to Encode:").pack(pady=5)
message_entry = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(root, width=70, height=10)

progress_bar = ttk.Progressbar(root, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, length=400, mode='determinate')

tk.Button(root, text="Encode Message", command=encode).pack(pady=10)
tk.Button(root, text="Decode Message", command=decode).pack(pady=5)


Happy Coding!

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